Theatre soundtracks

[ HAMBURG 2014 ]
A 6 week residency on the Veddel Island, in the heart of Hamburg. Playing with local musicians from very different musical backgrounds ( Turkey, Bulgaria, Togo, Albania...) in a series of gigs in the island's church, we also composed the soundtrack to a theatre play : ''Die Insel ''


VIDEOS of the gigs here

[ MEXICO 2014 ]

A theatre project in collaboration with Festina Lente in Mexico City.
Based on John Fosse's Winter theatre play about love and despair.

The music has been composed, recorded and mixed within 1 month in Mexico.
Encircling the 4 acts, the 5 musical pieces form a Mass.
Featuring  musicians Vladimir Bendixen and Lorena Uribe Bracho (Violas, Choirs) and using  modern synths sounds,
La Messe pour l'hiver is inspired by holly, religious music and haunting future.
It should soon be released on Catapulte Records. []

Here's one of the five movements : 'Antienne '

[LONDON 2013]
8 short plays by 8 new London based writers.
Performed at Tristan Bates Theatre.
Proposed and directed by Penny Cliff (The Tell Theatre).
Sound Design created in one week during rehearsals at Kabi Nasrul Centre, inspired from historical events occurring in the different plays ( South Sudan Independence - Istanbul Protests..) but also fantasy sonic worlds, sci-fi atmospheres and original music (Piano, Accordeon, Cetar, Synths)

" Ghost Society"
"Istanbul Theme
" Juba's Theme"
" Floor 17
" Neneer Neneer"

[ MEXICO 2011 ]

Dir. Julien Le Gargasson
From Max Frisch's 'Biography: A Game'

This soundtrack was written and created within a month as part of the collaborative process. After this month of creation, the first showing was presented at The National Lottery Theatre in Mexico D.F. as a groundbreaking initiation of residence at the beautiful old theatre which had been mainly dormant for about 30 years. This project was conceived in order to revive the building, which stands in the very centre of Mexico City, where there are many living below the poverty line. The 'dream' was to bring life back into this cultural centre. Luckily, it was a great success, and the local people packed out the theatre.
(A new season has been programed until 2012)

There were 3 main directions for the sound:

The trumpet and piano d
uet, recorded live in the theatre by 'Mitterand de la Police' (Luke Warmcop and I) recalls the emotions of the main character's memories.
The jazzy rhythmical section supports the evolution of the dark comedy throughout the play.
The loud and surprising sound effects accompany the omnipresence of 'the Secretary', who keeps interrupting and directing the main character's life choices.

The play being based on time loops and tragic comedy twists, the soundtrack had to be dreamy and subtle, yet real and violent


'Groove malaise'

'Valse Chat'

Download the full soundtrack here
Pictures: Click to enlarge!

[ MEXICO 2010 ]
Dir. Julien Le Gargasson
From Ivo Andric 's novel 'The Bridge on the Drina'

Created at Casa del Lago, Mexico D.F.
The inspiration for this project was initiated by a tribute to Juan Jose Arreola, a famous satirical magical realist writer and poet from Mexico who lived in Casa del Lago.
During the month residency at the Casa, we would present a few sketches based on Juan Arreola's poems, each week.

The group included 7 actors performing on a large outside stage. The main performance was based on the novel of Serbian writer, Ivo Andric, 'The Bridge on the Drina' (Nobel Prize 1961). The Drina river is now located on the Serbia & Bosnia boarder, but has been separating East and West for centuries, fossilizing history and emulating fascinating legends.

The physical movements and structure of the play were inspiring a soulful music, deep and cinematographic. Every track was built on drama, embracing the actors in this epic and terrifying story.The typical Persian instrument 'Cetar' was performed by Arash, a young Iranian prodigy, and recorded in London.

'Visegrad 3'


'Funambule edit'

Get the full Soundtrack (Edited version) here
Watch some videos here
Pictures:Click to enlarge!

[ UK / MEXICO 2008 ]

Dir. Antonin Le Gargasson, Pilar Valdez, Diego Sosa, Pascal Corm, Rodrigo Jonson y Laura López.

Created in London and Mexico.
Sarajevo is a solo piece about one man looking within himself, searching & digging for the truth through his past, his fears and his demons. The show was tailored for very small spaces, where the actor could be surrounded by the crowd.
Despite the diversity of authors and directors, the soundtrack, using sub basses, free jazz hints and ghostly voices sticks to the actor's introspection. The last track, 'Sarabali' uses elements of Balinese percussions as well as modern hip-hop beats. The aim was to build a chaotic non-stop sound-scape, played at a rather loud level, supporting the intense atmosphere yet being hardly noticed.





Get the full soundtrack here

Pictures: Click to enlarge!

[ FRANCE 2005 ]
Dir. Guillermo Leon
From Arthur Rimbaud's 'Une saison en enfer'

From an intense meeting between rewarded Mexican director Guillermo Leon and French actor Julien Le Gargasson, this play explores the last months of poet Arthur Rimbaud's life in Africa, torn between arms trafic and infinite beauty. The text was based on 'Une saison en enfer'; a masterpiece collecting the postcards Rimbaud was sending to his relatives and friends. Created at Espace 44 in Lyon; This closed-doors creation led to very harrowing and poignant images.
The play was acclaimed by theatre revues and magazines in France and Mexico. More than 50 shows have been performed in both countries.

The Sound ...

Inspired by metaphorical images - hell, heaven, animals - and concrete atmospheres - fire, markets, percussions, war - The soundtrack's aim was to enhance what was going on in the actor's mind : a symbiosis of blurred sounds from insanitary places in Africa and imaginary visions about death, life and beauty. Samples from Pierre Henry, Clouddead and African tribes are noticeable throughout the play. Additional screams, organs (Graham Mushnik) and guitars have been recorded in the theatre.

'Feu Sur Moi'

